# Top topics

culture outdoors green spaces


Find out the latest news from Chelmsford City Council.

Huge anti-knife-crime statue coming to Chelmsford

The Knife Angel, a 27-foot monument warning of the dangers of knife crime, is arriving in the city this September.

Chelmsford festivals to return in 2022

Chelmsford City Council’s popular festivals – Fling and 3foot People – won't take place in 2021 but will return with style in summer 2022.

Have your say on Writtle Neighbourhood Plan

Chelmsford City Council is asking for views on a draft Neighbourhood Plan which proposes local planning policies for Writtle.

Elections are coming up in Chelmsford

Elections are being held in Chelmsford on 6 May 2021 for Essex County Council and the PFCC, as well as by-elections. Find out how to vote.

Work continuing on Boreham Interchange and A12

Vital work to improve the Boreham Interchange, north-east of Chelmsford, will continue until Autumn 2021.

Everything you need to know about our leisure centres reopening

Chelmsford City Council’s four leisure centres are looking forward to welcoming customers back on 12 April with a number of core activities.

Chelmsford City Council agrees budget for 2021/22

Chelmsford City Council has agreed its budget for 2021-22, to protect services, boost the economy, support people and address pandemic costs

Get ready for Census Day 2021

Be part of Chelmsford’s history by taking part in the census. It gives fascinating facts about how we live and helps plan for the future.

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