Have your say on Chelmsford’s housing strategy
Chelmsford City Council has launched a consultation which will inform a new Housing Strategy for Chelmsford.
The Chelmsford Local Plan already sets out the plans for major development sites up to 2036. This Housing Strategy seeks to address the gaps, where the Local Plan will not deliver enough, genuinely-affordable homes, to address the housing crisis in Chelmsford.
Residents, businesses and organisations in the area (particularly those in the affordable housing sector) are asked for their views. The document sets out a shared vision for housing in Chelmsford. It includes priorities and actions for the council and will guide what it does, in conjunction with partners, over the next five years to deal with the housing crisis.

““The market is failing to deliver the genuinely-affordable homes that Chelmsford residents need, particularly younger people and families. The City Council will have to actively intervene to address this. We need your input to help us understand the needs, challenges and opportunities that we must deal with between now and 2027. The more people who comment with different backgrounds and experiences, the better. We know there is a shortage of housing, particularly genuinely affordable homes, but housing is a complex issue and our residents and partners may be able to highlight issues and opportunities that make this strategy more effective.”
Cllr Stephen Robinson, Leader of Chelmsford City Council
The consultation began at 10am on Wednesday 14 July and will end at 4pm on Wednesday 15th September. You can read and comment on the document on the council’s consultation portal, or you can visit http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/housing-strategy.
Comments can also be emailed to planning.policy@chelmsford.gov.uk. If you know someone who doesn’t have internet access, please let them know that they can also send comments by post or drop them in by hand to:
Planning Policy Team, Spatial Planning Services
Chelmsford Civic Centre
Duke Street
The Civic Centre is next to the bus station. Opening hours are 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Paper copies are being made available for viewing at the reception desk. If you would like to view these, please make an appointment first on 01245 606606.