# Top topics

culture outdoors green spaces


Restaurant ordered to close following council investigation

A city centre restaurant has been ordered to close after the council’s Environmental Health team find owners failed to meet standards.

Investing in Chelmsford’s future

The City Council recently welcomed businesses to an event to discuss what the future of Chelmsford might look like.

Help shape future business support

The city council wants to hear from local businesses about what support they need to help shape the business support programme for 2023.

Council calls for an end to major tax avoidance by businesses

The Council has passed a motion to be an example of good tax conduct and encourage businesses it deals with to have good tax practices.

Chelmsford shopping and leisure habits survey

Chelmsford residents’ shopping/leisure habits will play an important role in the review of the Local Plan that will shape the city’s future.

Chelmsford City Council supports National Apprenticeship Week

This week is National Apprenticeship Week, and there is no better time to talk about the opportunities Chelmsford City Council can offer.

Kickstart your dream career at virtual job fair

Are you a graduate or jobseeker looking for a career in Maldon, Chelmsford or Uttlesford? Join Essex Opportunities for a virtual job fair.

Free FSB membership for Chelmsford businesses

Chelmsford City Council has once again partnered with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

Scheme encourages developers to support wellbeing

Developers in Chelmsford can be recognised for their commitment to health and wellbeing through a new accreditation scheme.

Chelmsford’s Christmas lights switch on this weekend

After last year’s November lockdown stopped events in their tracks, this year’s Christmas light switch on is a celebration to remember!

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