# Top topics

culture outdoors green spaces

Charlotte Maltby

Charlotte writes about the environment, parks, recycling, business, planning, public realm and democratic services.

£20,000 grant available for rural businesses and community groups

Celebrating Chelmsford’s favourite parks for Love Parks Week

Love Parks Week will celebrate Chelmsford's 17 Green Flag Award wins with a free-to-attend event on the 24 July at Oaklands Park.

Skills Festival for Chelmsford students returned for 2024

Over 1,200 Year 8 pupils from Chelmsford secondary schools attended a festival-style careers fair organised by Chelmsford City Council.

General election results for Chelmsford 2024

Marie Goldman for the Liberal Democrats has been elected MP for the Chelmsford constituency in the 2024 parliamentary general election.

Volunteers help keep Chelmsford's rivers clean

On Saturday 8 June, residents and community groups volunteered their time to help clean up Chelmsford's rivers and the surrounding areas.

Visit Chelmsford’s Local Plan exhibitions

An opportunity is coming up to speak with council staff about Chelmsford's Local Plan review.

Volunteer for the Chelmsford river clean up

A community event to clean up Chelmsford’s rivers is taking place on Saturday 8 June at 9am.

Essex Global Summit welcomed to Chelmsford

Over 100 people attended the Essex Global Summit event on 22 May to discuss the future of international trade.

Giving nature on our doorsteps space to thrive

Parts of the 1,700 acres of grassland managed by the city council will be cut less frequently to create more space to thrive for nature.

Who’s standing for election on 2 May?

An election for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is happening in Chelmsford on Thursday 2 May. The list of candidates is published.

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