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October date to apply for community grant

Are you one of the many voluntary or charity groups who help residents in Chelmsford? If you are, did you know you may be eligible for a grant from the council’s community funding scheme?

Woman working at computer

There is a range of wonderful groups who work to bring benefits for the residents of Chelmsford, but some may not be aware they could apply for a grant from Chelmsford City Council.  

The community funding scheme has three types of award that are available to eligible community groups, charities and social enterprises. One of the funding streams, the discretionary grant, can offer funding for upkeep and running costs with small grants up to £10,000.

Applications only open in October

Applications for the discretionary grant are only open in October, so don’t delay; if you are involved with a community group you can find out about applying here: Community funding scheme – Chelmsford City Council

The focus of the discretionary grant is on supporting vulnerable people resident in Chelmsford.  

In the past few years the scheme has provided grants to a range of organisations. These range from those helping the elderly and homeless to youth and family support groups.  

There are so many ways that communities are supported by groups that do fantastic voluntary and unpaid work. The discretionary grant can make a big contribution to the running of these groups.

For instance one grant enabled a group to organise, run and facilitate regular activities on the Melbourne estates in north west Chelmsford. This included a homework club, older person club and young mums’ group. That’s such impressive work by the voluntary sector.

These grants make a difference and I really urge groups to take a look at our website for information about eligibility and please put in your application in October.

Cllr Marie Goldman, Cabinet Member for Connected Chelmsford

Further details about grants are available on the Community Funding Scheme pages on the Chelmsford City Council website. You will find guidance and eligibility criteria and you can make an online application.

For advice on the discretionary fund, you can contact the CVS at cfsfunding@chelmsfordcvs.org.uk or by calling 01245 351888.

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Charlotte Maltby
Charlotte Maltby

Charlotte writes about the environment, parks, recycling, business, planning, public realm and democratic services.