# Top topics

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Budget approved amid reorganisation funding fears

Chelmsford City Council’s budget has been approved for the 2025/26, but uncertainty has increased for 2026/27 over the unknown costs of LGR.

Council’s 2025/26 budget balanced but uncertainty ahead

Chelmsford City Council is proposing a balanced budget for 2025/26, but significant uncertainty remains over its funding for future years.

Council weighs difficult options to tackle 2025/26 budget gap

Chelmsford City Council has identified a shortfall of such significance that hard choices will be inevitable without more Government funding

Tipping point reached as council balances 2024/25 budget

Council warns that without more Government funding, 2024/25 is the last time the its finances can be balanced without changes to services.

Council issues warning over homelessness costs

Chelmsford City Council says its rapidly growing housing bill presents a big risk to the council being able to balance its budget.