You’re invited to the Chelmer Waterside drop-in event
The city council is holding an informal drop-in information event for anyone keen to know more about the Chelmer Waterside development.
Come along to the Essex Record Office on Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 10am–2pm or 4pm–7pm.
Representatives from the three appointed contractors Cadent, Morrisons Energy Services and GRAHAM will be in attendance, as well as officers from Chelmsford City Council. This is an opportunity to ask questions and meet informally with the teams involved in the development of Chelmer Waterside.

Developing Chelmer Waterside
Chelmer Waterside is a large expanse of land to the east of the city centre. It used to be a gas works and some areas are still industrial. For many years, much of this land was inaccessible to the public. But this area faces directly onto three waterways and is less than a five-minute walk from the city centre. This makes it a very attractive and sustainable place to build new homes.
It has been allocated in Chelmsford’s Local Plan for housing-led development with scope for up to 1,200 new homes, some of which have already been built. The city council has appointed contractors to work on the site and carry out necessary works in preparation for future housing development.
Work is underway with GRAHAM to replace the Bailey Bridge crossing the river Chelmer with a new bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to access the new neighbourhood. A new access road and bridge will connect Parkway and Wharf Road. The work is currently expected to complete in spring 2025.
The city council is working with Cadent to design and relocate the Gas Pressure Reduction System (GPRS), which is currently located on the old gas works site in Chelmer Waterside. This will enable future housing development.
It is necessary for the infrastructure work underway to be completed before the additional homes can be built.
Drop-in event details
Where: Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford CM2 6YT
When: Wednesday 31 January 2024, 10am–2pm and 4pm–7pm.