Nominate your community stars in volunteer awards
Hundreds of volunteers, businesses and groups who have helped Chelmsford through the pandemic are being celebrated in a new campaign.
Chelmsford CVS is the leading voluntary support organisation for the area. They have launched the Spirit of Chelmsford campaign, honouring all those helping our local patch. Supported by the Mayor of Chelmsford, the CVS is asking everyone to nominate their community stars.
Lorraine Jarvis, CVS Chief Officer, said, “We’ve been inspired and humbled by the number of people helping our communities. Within days of launching our call for volunteers to support the vaccination programme in GP surgeries, over 280 people signed up to help with car park marshalling, giving directions and reassuring those attending.”
“Neighbourhood-based volunteer groups are continuing to support people and hundreds of volunteers are helping by delivering essential supplies, collecting shopping and checking on their neighbours. Small businesses, many facing their own challenges, have been giving free hot meals to disadvantaged families and delivering refreshments to key workers.”
Nominate your community stars on the CVS website or follow @ChelmsfordCVS on Facebook.