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New environmental status achieved by Chelmsford City Council

Main entrance to Civic Centre, with decorative stone work

Chelmsford City Council has been recognised with a new environmental award by The Carbon Literacy Project.  

A Bronze accreditation has been given to the city council, recognising it as a Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO). Chelmsford City Council is the first district council in Essex with the CLO Bronze Award accreditation. 

Commitment to action on climate change 

A Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) is an organisation that has demonstrated its commitment to action on climate change and creating a low-carbon culture. The Carbon Literacy Project awards the accreditation to organisations that are demonstrating Carbon Literacy through its organisational behaviour. The CLO accreditation is a tiered system with Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, requiring increasing levels of commitment to continue taking action. 

Chelmsford City Council completing Carbon Literacy training 

Carbon Literacy training gives individuals and the organisation an awareness of the carbon costs and the impacts stemming from everyday activities. Most importantly, it empowers the council towards reducing emissions in its operations, as well as influencing a reduction in emissions within the local area.  

In 2023, Chelmsford City Council introduced Carbon Literacy training to its staff, in a drive towards its mission to Net Zero emissions by 2030. 

Currently, more than 40 employees have been certified Carbon Literate, including Nick Eveleigh the Chief Executive as well as a number of councillors, including the Leader of the Council, Stephen Robinson. The council’s ambition in 2024 is to offer the training to even more staff and to next obtain the Silver Award. 

“The city council declared a climate and ecological emergency in July 2019, and has put in place a comprehensive action plan to make Chelmsford City Council carbon neutral by 2030 and improve biodiversity. But we must also show leadership in the wider community, as we help the country to become carbon neutral by 2050. We can all make a difference.”

Cllr Stephen Robinson, Leader of Chelmsford City Council

Nick Eveleigh, Chelmsford City Council’s Chief Executive Officer is proud to receive the Bronze award: 

“This is a very exciting accolade for the council to achieve. Completing the training provided me with a clearer and stronger understanding of the causes and effects of climate change. In 2024, I will continue to support where practicable and encourage even more employees to complete the Carbon Literacy training.”

Nick Eveleigh, Chelmsford City Council’s Chief Executive Officer

Since declaring the Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2019, the council has enacted the Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan, which is an ongoing commitment to make the council’s activities net zero carbon by 2030. There is also an ambition to engage residents, community organisations and businesses in contributing to a more sustainable future for Chelmsford and the surrounding areas. Find out more about the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Representatives from the council will be attending the Carbon Literacy awards later this year to officially receive the award. 

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Charlotte Maltby
Charlotte Maltby

Charlotte writes about the environment, parks, recycling, business, planning, public realm and democratic services.