Hylands Estate parking charges start from 8 November
From Monday 8 November parking charges will start at Hylands Estate. The new scheme will apply between the hours of 9am and 6pm, seven days a week, in all three of the estate’s car parks. Residents of the Chelmsford City Council area will be able to park at a reduced rate to reflect the contribution they already make to the upkeep of the 574-acre estate through their council tax.

Final details of scheme agreed
Chelmsford City Council’s Cabinet agreed the final details of the parking scheme last week, which will include a new charge for the first hour of parking to accommodate short stays, and a wider range of season ticket options for residents and non-residents.
Residents get a discount

Residents who pay council tax in the Chelmsford City Council area will be able to get a 40% discount on daily parking rates at Hylands by registering with MiPermit and adding their council tax number. Once this account is set up, residents will be able to pay £2 for the first hour and £3 for any stay more than an hour.
MiPermit is used throughout the Council’s car parks and once your Hylands discount is registered, it will be applied every time you use MiPermit to park at Hylands. MiPermit is the only way to get your discount, so if you use one of the card payment machines instead, you’ll have to pay the full price. For more information about the resident discount and how to get it, read this piece on City Life or try the step-by-step guide on the Chelmsford Council website.
Non-resident daily parking rate
People who don’t pay council tax in the Chelmsford area will pay a higher parking rate at Hylands. Charges for non-residents will be £3.35 for the first hour and a flat £5 charge for any stay longer than an hour.
This can be paid at one of the card-only pay and display machines in the estate’s car parks or via a MiPermit account. It doesn’t take long to set this up and once you’ve done it you can pay via the MiPermit app, online, by phone to 0345 520 7007, or with an SMS to 61600. If you’d like to find out more about MiPermit and how to use it, this video will help.
Annual Season tickets
The number of different season tickets for both residents and non-residents has been increased in the final plans for Hylands parking. As before, residents get the cheapest rates, starting at £4.50 a month, but 5 and 7-day a week season tickets are available for both residents and non-residents. This season ticket explainer has all the details, including links to more information if you need it.
Free parking available for some groups
Some people will still be able to park for free at Hylands Estate from 8 November. Blue Badge holders won’t have to pay for parking at any of the estate’s 3 car parks and residents receiving council tax benefit may also qualify for free parking. If you receive this, please contact parking@chelmsford.gov.uk or call 01245 606710 to apply for this concession.
Volunteers and organised groups using Hylands for activities associated with education, mental health or disability support will be able to park without charge by obtaining a visitor scratch card at Hylands Estate. Visitors attending weddings and other private functions and activities in Hylands House and the Grand Pavilion will also park for free by registering their details with Hylands staff. Motorbikes and mopeds will be exempt from charges.
Don’t pay for parking until Monday 8 November
Remember, charging doesn’t start until Monday 8 November, so although it’s a good idea to set up a MiPermit account before then, don’t pay for a parking session until that date. Parking charges won’t start until 9am each day, so anyone parking at Hylands between 7.30am and 9am won’t have to pay.
More information can be found about parking at Hylands on the Chelmsford City Council website.