Have your say on Writtle Neighbourhood Plan
Chelmsford City Council is asking for views on a draft Neighbourhood Plan which proposes local planning policies for Writtle.
The plan covers the whole of the parish, and includes planning policies on the environment, village character, development, open spaces and transport.

It’s been developed by Writtle Parish Council, alongside local residents and interested people and organisations.
The consultation runs until 4.45pm on Thursday 8 April and you can send comments in online or by post.
How to take part
You can read and comment on the consultation documents online. Go to the council’s consultation portal at https://consult.chelmsford.gov.uk/kse/ or visit the consultations page at: www.chelmsford.gov.uk/writtleplan.
Email and post
Online is usually easiest way to take part but you can also send in your comments by email or post. E-mail planning.policy@chelmsford.gov.uk or post your responses to Planning Policy Team, Spatial Planning Services, Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JE.

What happens next?
After the consultation closes, Chelmsford City Council will send all the submission documents and all comments to an independent examiner, who will decide whether the Writtle Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum.
If a public referendum is held in the area covered by the Neighbourhood Plan, and more than 50% vote ‘yes’, the council will adopt it as part of Chelmsford’s Local Plan.