Have your say on Little Baddow Neighbourhood Plan

Chelmsford City Council is consulting on a draft Neighbourhood Plan which proposes local planning policies for Little Baddow.
The Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by Little Baddow Parish Council working closely with local residents and interested people and organisations. Following earlier consultation in Little Baddow, the Parish Council has formally submitted the plan to the City Council for consultation.
It covers the whole of the parish, and includes planning policies on the environment, village character, development, and open space.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Town and parish councils, or other organisations, can take the lead in creating neighbourhood development plans, community plans and orders for planning in their area. The City Council will help to create the plans, and make decisions at key stages.
View and comment online
Members of the public are invited to comment on the draft Little Baddow Neighbourhood Plan until 4pm on Friday 10 March 2023.
You can read the consultation documents linked below and follow the steps to leave a comment.
- www.chelmsford.gov.uk/planningpolicyconsult
(Please note that the consultation portal will not be available on 4 or 5 February) - www.chelmsford.gov.uk/littlebaddowplan
- You can also send your comments via email to planning.policy@chelmsford.gov.uk (please include your name and address)
Next steps
After the consultation closes, the submission documents and all the comments received will be sent to an independent examiner. The examiner will decide whether the Little Baddow Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum. If a public referendum is held in the area covered by the Neighbourhood Plan, and more than 50% vote ‘yes’, the City Council will adopt the plan as part of Chelmsford’s Local Plan.