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Essex County election results

The new Essex County Council representatives for Chelmsford are Mike Steel, John Spence, Marie Goldman, Stephen Robinson, Jude Deakin, Anthony McQuiggan, Bob Massey, Mike Mackrory and Ian Grundy.

This year saw four sets of elections in Chelmsford. On Thursday 6 May, voters across Essex chose their representatives on Essex County Council as well as their Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner. In Moulsham Lodge, a City Council seat was also vacant and voters in that neighbourhood chose their new local councillor – and some parishes had vacancies to fill too.

Because social distancing means less people counting at once, there are two different counts this year. The Essex County Council ballots were counted on the Thursday night and results were announced from 10pm through to 6am the next morning. A long night for the election count staff!

The parish and PFCC city council votes will be counted on Saturday morning and announced that day. Follow them live on Facebook and Twitter.

You can view the ECC election results.

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Charlotte Maltby
Charlotte Maltby

Charlotte writes about the environment, parks, recycling, business, planning, public realm and democratic services.