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Mayor of Chelmsford marks end of mayoral term 2023–24

Mayor Mascot And Deputy Deakin With Escorts
The Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Linda Mascot and Deputy Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Jude Deakin, with their consorts Ian Mascot and Helen Deakin.

Councillor Linda Mascot’s term as Mayor of Chelmsford comes to an end today (Wednesday 15 May). Councillor Mascot was appointed Mayor in May 2023, with her husband, Ian Mascot, appointed as her Consort. Councillor Jude Deakin, previous two-term Mayor of Chelmsford from 2020–22, served as the Deputy Mayor for 2023–24, with her daughter Helen Deakin, as Deputy Mayoress. 

During her final weeks in office, the Mayor presented awards to Chelmsford volunteers; unveiled the new nationwide Fire Service Memorial at the Living Memorial complex in Rettendon; and celebrated the Sikh spring festival of Vaisakhi in Half Moon Square. 

CVS Edited For Article (2)
The Mayor of Chelmsford with her consort, the Mayor's Cadet, CVS staff and winners of the Chelmsford Awards for Voluntary Service 2024.

Promoting bright futures for young people 

Councillor Mascot chose “Bright Futures” as the theme for her mayoral year, which focused on supporting young people to become confident, successful and happy adults. 

In support of this theme, in December 2024 the Mayor introduced the first ever Mayoral Cadet for the City of Chelmsford. Cadet Sergeant Iona Walledge was appointed to the position and attended civic events alongside the Mayor in this capacity. The cadet also acted as ambassador for Chelmsford’s young cadets and promoted the work of the city’s youth organisations. 

Consort, Mayor And Cadet At Remembrance Sunday 2023
The Mayor of Chelmsford with Consort Ian Mascot and the Mayor's Cadet Sergeant Iona Walledge.

The outgoing Mayor is proud to have appointed this new role for Chelmsford, providing a voice for young people at civic events and an opportunity for young cadets to hone their skills.  

“It has been a pleasure to appoint the first City of Chelmsford Mayor’s Cadet – Sgt Iona Walledge – who has proved to be a great ambassador for the cadet forces."

Councillor Linda Mascot, outgoing Mayor of Chelmsford

Supporting local organisations and charities 

Between May 2023 and May 2024, the mayoralty attended a total of 396 engagements across Chelmsford. These included tree plantings, community fairs, business launches, visits to charities, a Concrete Canvas ‘Walk and Talk’, and Chelmsford Theatre’s annual panto. 

During their term of office, the Mayor and Deputy successfully raised over £14,000 for their selected charity, YMCA Essex. 

Councillor Mascot says she feels fortunate to have witnessed first-hand Chelmsford’s strong community links, rich cultural diversity, and many talented people:  

“What a privilege it has been to represent this great city of my birth as Mayor of Chelmsford.

“At every single engagement I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the volunteers who are supporting our residents, charities and groups for all ages, which are helping to combat social isolation by fostering a strong sense of community. I have been lucky enough to see many talented local amateur drama and music groups as well as attending formal civic events such as the Remembrance Service and Civic Carol Service.

“One particular focus has been on inclusion and diversity – we are so lucky to have such great opportunities to learn from the rich culture of so many people from varied communities who choose to live and work in our city and who we welcome with open arms.

“I am honoured to have been Mayor and wish the new Mayor very best wishes in their new role.”

Councillor Linda Mascot, outgoing Mayor of Chelmsford

A special Full Council meeting will be held tonight (Wednesday 15 May) from 7pm to elect a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor. 

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Cherelle Nightingill
Cherelle Nightingill

Cherelle writes about Chelmsford Theatre, Hylands Estate, Chelmsford Museum, the Mayor of Chelmsford and culture and events in the city.