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Know Your Numbers with a free health check

2-8 September is Know Your Numbers! Week 2024, a national blood pressure testing and awareness event.

Know Your Numbers Week 1

The Blood Pressure UK initiative aims to reach those who have high blood pressure but aren’t aware of it, so they can get the treatment and support they need to bring it under control.

There are many ways to access a simple blood pressure test, including through free public health checks at one of Chelmsford City Council’s leisure centres.

Why it’s important to Know Your Numbers

It’s estimated that 6 million people in the UK are unaware they have high blood pressure, as there are no symptoms.

Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. High blood pressure is responsible for more than half of all strokes and heart attacks across the UK.

Blood Pressure Machine

This Know Your Numbers! Week, Blood Pressure UK wants you to know that the power is in your hands to check your blood pressure.

Blood pressure tests can be carried out at your local GP surgery, some pharmacies, at home, or as part of a free public health check. If the test shows your blood pressure is higher than it should be, you can start making lifestyle changes or taking medicines to bring it down to a healthy level.

Blood Pressure Check By Doctor

Free health checks at community leisure centres

One way to Know Your Numbers is to have a free public health check at one of Chelmsford’s community leisure centres.

Riverside Leisure Centre, Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre and Dovedale Sports Centre all offer public health checks for those aged 40-74. You can request a health check online by visiting chelmsford.gov.uk/public-health-checks/. Alternatively, give your local centre a call and ask about NHS health checks.

Your free health check will involve a 30-minute appointment with a specially trained member of staff, who will take some tests, ask you a few questions, and assess whether you’re at higher risk of developing certain health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke. Should the health check identify any potential health risks, you will be advised to contact your GP.

Public health checks include:

    • Blood pressure test
    • Cholesterol test
    • Taking your height, weight and waist measurements

You will be asked about:

    • Family history of medical conditions
    • If you smoke, and how much
    • If you drink alcohol, and how much
    • How physically active you are

Who can benefit from a free health check?

You do not need to be a leisure centre member to access a free public health check but there are certain criteria you need to meet:

    • Between 40 and 74 years old
    • Registered with an Essex GP or live in within the Essex County Council district (excludes Southend and Thurrock)
    • Not taking statins, blood pressure or cholesterol tablets
    • Not known to have diabetes
    • Never suffered a stroke
    • Never suffered a heart attack 
    • Not diagnosed with coronary heart disease or heart failure
    • Not diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease
    • Not diagnosed with chronic kidney disease
    • Not diagnosed with atrial fibrillation
    • Not had an NHS Health Check in the last five years

Don’t forget – if you don’t qualify for a free public health check, you can still request a blood pressure check at your GP surgery.

Blood Pressure Check Nurse

Councillor Natacha Dudley, Cabinet Member for an Active Chelmsford, says the council is glad to be working with Provide Health to deliver this service to the public:

“Our leisure centres are there for everyone in the community, striving to cater to residents of all ages and all abilities in order to help them get active and stay healthy. So, of course, we took the opportunity to support the NHS in delivering free health checks. These checks are a great way to better understand your physical wellbeing and catch potential health risks early.

“Across four centres, 19 members of staff are trained to deliver these checks. Since we signed up to the programme in November 2023, those staff have carried out 139 health checks and we hope that number continues to rise as more residents take advantage of this service.”

Councillor Natacha Dudley, Cabinet Member for an Active Chelmsford, Chelmsford City Council

How to book your free health check

To book your public health check, please visit chelmsford.gov.uk/public-health-checks/ and complete the short enquiry form. A member of staff from your chosen leisure centre will then be in contact to book an appointment and answer any questions you might have.

Phil Abram, Active Health Programme Lead for Chelmsford City Council, says public health checks are an important aspect of the council’s commitment to creating a more connected Chelmsford:

“Health Checks allow for early identification of health risks, including high blood pressure and its potential impact on your wellbeing. The checks are quick, efficient and confidential, and can either set your mind at rest or be the first step in improving your health and longevity.

“Chelmsford City Council has many effective health initiatives and, should your health check result in recommendation from your GP to increase your physical activity, we will be very happy to welcome you in to one of our centres and help you reach your goals. Taking just a few minutes a day, or a few hours a week, to move your body can do wonders for the prevention, management, and rehabilitation of health conditions.”

Phil Abram, Active Health Programme Lead, Chelmsford City Council
You Have The Power To Know Your Numbers

According to Blood Pressure UK, every day in the UK 350 people suffer a stroke or heart attack that could have been prevented.

Once you Know Your Numbers! you can get support to bring your blood pressure under control and prevent the health issues and diseases it can lead to.

Book your free health check now by visiting chelmsford.gov.uk/public-health-checks/.

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Molly Smith
Molly Smith

Molly writes stories about public health, community safety, leisure, community sport, parking and Chelmsford Market.