How to have a more eco-friendly Christmas
As the festive season approaches, Love your Chelmsford is encouraging people to think differently this Christmas. How can Christmas traditions become more environmentally friendly? There are plenty of ways and some will even save a few quid!

The tips focus on key areas where people can cut down their waste and make some easy swaps this Christmas. Love Your Chelmsford’s advice ranges from planning food and portions to save food waste, to ideas on buying presents, gift wrap and decorations that are better for the environment. Love Your Chelmsford has provided plenty of ideas to experience an eco-friendlier Christmas, making sure beloved traditions don’t cost the earth!
Recycling real Christmas trees
One of the suggestions Love Your Chelmsford provides is for people who prefer having a real Christmas tree. Rather than letting it languish sadly outside once Christmas is over, there are other options of what to do with your tree. A top idea is to recycle it locally with Farleigh Hospice.
The Farleigh Hospice Christmas Tree Recycling event offers door-to-door collections on 5, 6 and 7 January 2024. Register online in advance – it’s a popular scheme, so don’t miss out! The dedicated staff and volunteers will make their rounds throughout Chelmsford and the surrounding areas to collect Christmas trees from registered homes and businesses in return for a donation to Farleigh Hospice.
Every penny raised will make a huge difference to those living with a life-limiting illnesses or bereavement. Plus, recycling the tree is better for the environment!

Renting a Christmas tree
This year, Lathcoats Farm in Chelmsford is offering the opportunity to rent a real Christmas tree! Their potted trees can be loaned for up to three weeks, to be returned to the farm in the first week of January.
Lathcoats Farm say: “We like the idea of a Christmas tree growing up with the family, maybe being given a name and therefore allow the same tree to be rented back to its family each year.”
The trees will be small saplings when initially rented and over their life in a pot are unlikely to exceed 5 foot. If you were thinking of getting a real Christmas tree this year, then this is a lovely sustainable option to consider.
Rent a tree from Lathcoats at:

More eco-friendly advice from Love Your Chelmsford
Another option for real Christmas trees when the decorations come down is to repot the tree and find a home for it in the garden. If you have the outside space available, then look after your tree and use it again next year!
If you have a real tree that can’t be replanted after Christmas and you miss the Farleigh Hospice collection, you can chop it into small pieces and place it in your brown garden waste bin for composting. Or take it to one of the local recycling centres.
Head over to Love Your Chelmsford’s website to read the rest of their tips and suggestions for having a more sustainable Christmas. Love Your Chelmsford is the City Council’s dedicated site for all things ‘green’ in Chelmsford!
Plus, follow Love Your Chelmsford’s social media channels on Facebook and Instagram, for special features and a competition announcement coming soon!