Have your say on polling district changes

The City Council is conducting an interim review of polling districts and polling places to reflect the recent parish boundary changes in Chelmsford. This review will determine where people go to cast their vote and that the polling facilities are accessible to everyone.
What is Polling District Review (PDR)?
In order to administer elections, ‘polling districts’ are created by subdividing electoral boundaries. A building or area that hosts a polling station for voting is called a ‘polling place’.
UK Parliamentary polling districts and places must be reviewed at the recommended intervals by all local authorities, in accordance with the relevant legislative requirements.
The last full review was carried out in 2019. The next full review is scheduled to take place between October 2023 and January 2024.
Outcome of Community Governance Review (CGR)
Since 2021, the City Council has been reviewing the set-up of parishes through a Community Governance Review (CGR) to better reflect Chelmsford’s growth.
Two new community councils were created as a result of the CGR, Chelmer Village and Chelmsford Garden Community. A change to the existing polling district boundaries will be necessary to accommodate these new parishes. This is why there is a need for an interim polling district review before the next full review.
Comments and feedback
The Council welcomes feedback and comments from individual residents or organisations on the initial recommendations from now until Monday 12 September. View the map detailing the proposed changes and to submit your comments.
Comments can also be made in writing and sent to:
Electoral Services, Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE.