Have your say on Chelmsford’s cycling and walking routes

A survey has been launched by Essex County Council asking Chelmsford residents for their views on proposed cycling and walking networks. The networks (known as Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans or LCWIPs) will guide and inform the future direction of Essex County Council’s active travel strategy.
How Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are used
An LCWIP is a tool used by local authorities to help plan long-term cycling and walking routes which enable people to have the opportunity to walk or cycle to their local destinations. They are essential for securing government funding and will help identify key routes in Chelmsford, enabling people of all abilities the opportunity to walk and cycle with confidence and comfort. The government funds the LCWIP could secure are made available for new projects only, not for basic maintenance.
By having high quality walking and cycling routes in place, the health and wellbeing of residents will improve and air pollution and congestion will decrease.
Essex County Council wants to hear from Chelmsford residents
Essex County Council want to hear from Chelmsford residents with their views.
They want to know:
- “Do the routes proposed provide the right local links?”
- “Are there any routes that are important but not shown?”
- “Should the routes be extended to reach specific destinations?”.
These, and other questions, are part of the eight-week survey running until 29th September 2023.
As well as consulting on routes in Chelmsford, the consultation also explores routes in Braintree, Brentwood and Colchester.
Councillor Ian Fuller, Chelmsford City Council’s Cabinet Member for a Growing Chelmsford hopes residents will take the opportunity to share their views with Essex County Council. He says:
““The consultation is a mapping exercise showing the possible key routes. At this stage, no further details are given as to the extra infrastructure that will be needed. For the routes to go forward in their entirety significant funding will need to be secured. The LCWIP will provide the evidence base to make the case for future funding in the short, medium and long term.”
Councillor Ian Fuller, Chelmsford City Council’s Cabinet Member for a Growing Chelmsford