Chelmsford’s future! Deadline approaching
Consultation closes this Thursday, 20 October
The planning team at Chelmsford has been gathering views from across the city since August. Chelmsford has to have a Local Plan to guide future growth. We are reviewing the adopted Local Plan to ensure it remains up to date and continues to meet the changing needs of our residents.
Our planners are urging residents: don’t miss out on the last few days to have your say – it’s your chance to help shape plans for your city’s future!
Views will feed into evolving plan
One of the routes for feedback was a webinar held this week. Affordable housing, changing housing needs and sustainable transport infrastructure were some of the issues very much on people’s minds. You can read points raised and responses here
What’s important to you and your family?
Make sure you take the opportunity to have your say too. But hurry – it’s the last few days of the first stage of public consultation on the current review of the plan – it ends at 4pm this Thursday, 20 October!
This won’t be the only chance to have your say on Chelmsford’s future, but it is an important one. The Local Plan is reviewed once every five years, so now is a crucial time. There will be further steps as the Local Plan evolves, but this is the time to share your views about how and where the city develops.

Approaches for Chelmsford’s future growth
The council has developed five different approaches that could be followed to address the city’s growth. It is likely that the preferred approach might not be one of the five listed, but a combination of the most sustainable and deliverable elements.
The consultation is not a vote on which specific location is the most or least popular, but a way of assessing issues and finding the most sustainable overall strategy for delivering the area’s needs. That includes our environment, infrastructure, business and education opportunities.
Virtual tour of the Local Plan review
You can view a virtual exhibition that summarises the plan online. This will allow you to see the proposals and approaches and explains how you can take part in the consultation:
The full Local Plan document and more information is available online on the Chelmsford City Council website.

Where to view documents
You can view the consultation documents and make comments on the Council’s planning policy consultation portal:
They are also available to read during normal opening hours at the Council’s Customer Service Centre at the Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford.
How to respond with your views
Via our consultation portal at
By email to
By post to Spatial Planning Services, Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre,
Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JE
All comments will be used to inform the next stage of the process which is when the council chooses its preferred option.