Mayor of Chelmsford lays flowers in memory of Her Majesty The Queen
Wreaths created by the council’s parks team in memory of Her Majesty The Queen have been laid at Bell Meadow, a green space in the city centre on the edge of Central Park.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Chelmsford presented a purple wreath on behalf of residents and Council Leader, Cllr Stephen Robinson, and Chief Executive, Nick Eveleigh, laid a white wreath on behalf of councillors and council staff.
Official place for floral tributes
Tributes left here will be cared for and maintained by parks staff during the period of mourning. Flowers left at other places around the city will be moved to this official area so that they too can be looked after, and the city can share this moment in our nation’s history together.
Bell Meadow to be lit in purple light
Bell Meadow will be lit in purple light at night in honour of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, along with Riverside Leisure Centre on the other side of the city centre.

How to get there
Bell Meadow is an accessible park near to Bellmead, which runs alongside the High Chelmer shopping centre. It is easily reached on foot from Chelmsford train station, the city’s bus station and has parking nearby. The area allocated for floral tributes can be found close to the underpass into Central Park and opposite Chelmsford Market.
What happens to the flowers?
Tributes will be cared for at Bell Meadow until the day after the funeral of HM The Queen. All flowers will be composted by our parks staff so that these cherished gifts can continue to contribute to the beautiful green spaces of our city. Cards and other items left alongside flowers will be kept and stored.