Culture scheme to bring inspiration to every child
At a time of grave concern about the pandemic’s impact on young people, a new scheme is being planned that aims to give every child in Chelmsford the chance to develop creative skills and be inspired by great art.
The Chelmsford Local Cultural Education Partnership will allow children and young people to take part in creative learning and experience culture, whatever their background. It’s hoped the scheme will broaden horizons and support them to reach their potential.
Partnership to improve local cultural education
Chelmsford is one of around a hundred partnerships awarded funding across the UK. It’s part of an initiative by the Arts Council and the Department for Education which aims to improve cultural education in local areas by joining schools up with arts organisations, local authorities and businesses.

Two-year programme of activity being developed
Each partnership works with what’s known as a ‘bridge’ organisation and Chelmsford will be supported by the Royal Opera House Bridge based in Purfleet.
Development work is already underway to start an exciting two-year programme of activity to get Chelmsford’s partnership off the ground.
How to get involved
This early stage is being led by Chelmsford City Council with support from Chelmsford Cultural Development Trust.
If you’re passionate about raising aspiration through culture and you’d like to shape this project – fill out a survey online at