City residents honour brave service heroes alongside Mayor of Chelmsford

Chelmsford’s annual Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade took place at the War Memorial on Duke Street yesterday (10 November 2024).
The Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Janette Potter, was joined by residents, veterans, members of the Royal British Legion and community group representatives to remember and honour brave military personnel of past and present.
The Mayor was joined by military representatives, community and faith group leaders, and Chelmsford Salvation Army Band.
The mayor was also joined by Chelmsford Army Cadet, Sgt Benny Mahoney, who was recently appointed as the mayor’s cadet for 2024–25. The service was Sgt Mahoney’s first civic engagement since his appointment as the mayor’s cadet.
The Very Rev’d Paul Kennington, Interim Dean of Chelmsford, led the service, which began with readings from Laurence Binyon’s poem ‘For the Fallen’ by representatives from Chelmsford Explorer Scouts and the Royal British Legion.
The Mayor of Chelmsford, Cllr Janette Potter with Mayor's Cadet, Sgt Benny Mahoney; and the Very Rev’d Paul Kennington, Interim Dean of Chelmsford.
The two-minute silence was then observed at 11am sharp, marked at the beginning and the end with the firing of maroons.
Further readings were given by the Mayor of Chelmsford and by Sidra Naeem DL of Chelmsford Muslim Society. Prayers were then led by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Rev’d David Cattle; Shweta Kaur of the Sikhs of Chelmsford; Stan Keller of the Chelmsford Jewish Community; and Smita Rajesh of Chelmsford Hindu Society.
The Mayor of Chelmsford, Cllr Janette Potter; the Mayor’s Chaplain, Rev’d David Cattle; Sidra Naeem DL of Chelmsford Muslim Society; and Kim Adams-Howell from Chelmsford Salvation Army Band.
After the prayers, the Mayor and Colonel laid the first poppy wreaths. The Mayor bowed her head in a mark of respect, while Colonel Thomas gave salute. Military and community group representatives, including Chelmsford Lions Club and Soroptimists, then laid further wreaths at the foot of the memorial.
Colonel Thomas and The Mayor of Chelmsford laid the first wreaths at the war memorial, followed by military veterans and representatives of Chelmsford's community and faith groups.
Following the service, the parade began, which saw service personnel and veterans from varied military groups march from Rainsford Road through Duke Street and back. As they marched through Duke Street, they gave salute to the War Memorial and the Mayor.
““My sincere thanks to the Armed Forces personnel, veterans, residents, community group representatives, faith leaders and various other groups who attended today’s Remembrance Sunday service in Chelmsford. Each November, year after year, we will remember them and pay tribute to their extraordinary sacrifices.”
Cllr Janette Potter, Mayor of Chelmsford